Jun 27, 2009

Toys broke then, Hearts break now

It was a sweet melody when we were young and naïve,
Our old toys broke and instantly replaced with new toys.

The older we grew the harder the game became,
There was no replacement there was no exchange.

When young we heartlessly broke our dolls and toys,
As we grow older we callously break hearts of girls and boys.

Once upon a time there was no guilt but a lot of gain
Now when it breaks there is instant hurt and a lot of pain.

It was a sweet melody when we were young and naïve,
Our toys broke then, our hearts break now
It did not bleed then, now it does how?


18 Read and Said:

floreta said...

ooooh great one!!! very deep.

Understanding Alice said...

Hm, kinda says it for our society doesnt it. Perhaps if we help children treasure toys we will have adults that treasure hearts...

anthonynorth said...

These were powerful, soul-searching words. Excellent.

Beek said...

I think it is so true, but wouldn't it be nice if we were more like children and loving every moment.

Lion-ess said...

i miss my childhood days!!

linda may said...

yes, you are right, and this is on so many levels.

Dee Martin said...

sad but true.

Megha said...

Yea, toys didn't have heart but we do have. But those were the sweet days when we could do anything are were given instant forgiveness saying, He is just a child. :)

Jeeves said...

It does hurt now!

Understanding Alice said...

hello, just so you know, im both understanding alice and "where angels watch" ... thanks for your comment x

Goth Girl said...

your analogy is always appealing AD

Cindy Marshall said...

when we were kids it was easy as abc and now it is like zyx :(

Mary Rose said...

Toys broke then * Hearts break now


Woody Wood Pecker said...

Once upon a time there was no guilt but a lot of gain
Now when it breaks there is instant hurt and a lot of pain.

love the lines.

Anonymous said...

The older we grew the harder the game became,
There was no replacement there was no exchange.

It is so amazing that as kids, our level of appreciation doesn't exist, but as we go older, it gets even stronger.

None of our experiences can be overwritten, it is always a new chapter, start, era - call it what you may - nothing erases the memories.

This is very nice! :)

magdaayuk said...

Beautiful AD! and true;)

Marja said...

Great paralel broken hearts and broken toys
Well done

Anonymous said...

Toys broke then, hearts break now... So true!

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