Mar 14, 2010

The Something Meme

- Name something you do every day

- Name something someone else calls you
Jaan (Darling)

- Name something that irritates the heck out of you online
Random people adding on social networks

- Name something that bugs the stuff out of you at a restaurant
Loud talking and Blabber Mouths

- Name something you cannot tolerate at a store
Crashing carts and falling boxes

- Name something you’d like to call your co-worker
Ass! and Jack-ass!

- Name something that you hate about someone close to you
Doesn’t let me have my say at any time – always makes me look bad

- Name something you don’t like about your sibling
Too much of an arrogant attitude

- Name something you like about yourself
Indifferent about other people and their doings

- Name something you would rather be doing right now
Going out there to work out a plan for my business

- Name something that you’ll be doing next week at this time
Monday Mourning

Join Us for Monday Mayhem

5 Read and Said:

Closed eyes... said...

Nice one!

I am Harriet said...

I agree about the blabber mouths. Some people just don't know how to edit their stories or when enough is enough.

Thanks for playing!

Unknown said...

Oh I hate loud talking and blabbers too.

Sorry I am late this week,
Been really busy shopping for colleges
With my daughter! Lol

Happy MM!



If you would like to visit me, Memories,After School and The Something Meme

Melissa Lynn Shell said...

Good answer for the restaurant one.

Jack said...

A D,

Read all current posts. I agree with you on 2 worlds. We do escape to fantasy world at times. Liked your frank replies.

Take care

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