Jan 27, 2010


The spark of true achievement comes from the will to let go of ones ability to grieve more and make merry less. Our kindred is never responsible for imparting the genes of negativity in our existence hence we become what we chose to become, our only beacon comes from within and what we chose to have around us.


15 Read and Said:

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, love the bit about the beacon!

Don't you just love homespun philosopy!

anthonynorth said...

Very true words. Then it's what we do with it.

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

well, this is certainly a great big piece of truth. Thanks, I needed that.

Jay R. Thurston said...

I am with Andy, great use of the words, especially "beacon" at the end. Very true, and well said!

Julie Jordan Scott said...

Simply stated AND grief and making merry seem diametrically opposed, much of the time, don't they and yet... from my personal experience I can't authentically make merry without authentically grieving, too. Just a thought....

Yellow Tulip said...

hmmm... made me think..

Stan Ski said...

Well said - we should learn from mistakes, instead of lamenting them... and even worse - repeating them.

Crybbe666 said...

Wonderful piece. I am with Yellow Tulip...thinking indeed!!! Thanks!

Lilibeth said...

Great response, and I liked the picture as well.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Agreed. No matter what our physical and situational legacy, most of us do have a choice in how we go forward in life.

Dee Martin said...

I have a friend who has given me a mantra - life is all about choices. We can't always change our circumstances but we can change our attitude about them. Well said.

Tumblewords: said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

Wise words we would do well to heed.

Attendance Optional

J. S. Clawson said...

Amen. nuff said! Great job.

Jack said...

A D,

Again too many pending posts. I will take time. This one is true, it is from within that we are guided.

Take care

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