Aug 15, 2010

Day 14 — A non-fictional book

Man and bitch live happily ever after.

Do I need say anything more?

The book is a lesson in avoiding self-absorbed women that are really watching Gilmore Girls reruns as they pretend to lead much more fulfilling lives.

10 Read and Said:

Rooj Siddiqui said...

The title sounds so cheesy. Whose the author?

Roshni said...

wow...never really thought about it... i dont see why anybody would want to be pretentious =/

Raj said...

ad. shut up.
u know better than that.

Divaa Divine said...

Nostalgic, Sheery Argov

Roshni, sometimes you just got to take abig u turn from being a dorr bat and evolving into a pretentios (if necessary) baby doll or bitch which ever one suits you - guys like to have something to run to than run away from - that is the message.

Raj, i know better because i observe, read and comprehend better :)

Raj said...

there is another book. about mars and venus colliding i presume. try reading that..

erer said...

khe khe khe!!

the title is cool... and yes ill look out for it next time i go to a bookstore

The Enchantress said...

sounds interesting...

rebecca said...

hey! what's wrong with gilmore girls? i love that show! =)

Unknown said...

why is it surprising?! why do we need book for this.!! its only human nature.. ;)
"Bitches" aka strong women i.e. women who don't change themselves to get men or women who play hard to get.. men consider them as 'catch' so they like/marry them.. be One..

Americanising Desi said...

you sure arnt gonna get the mushy gurl's point of view

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