Feb 24, 2010

No Fun!

My job as per designation is to generate marvelous mouthwatering and money fetching captions and copy. I hate to say it this out loud but my designation and duty contradict highly and I grumble because I am appreciated meagerly. For the effort I put in every day, I get a pay that teases me monthly.


21 Read and Said:

anthonynorth said...

And isn't that the truth for so many. Nicely done.

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

You are rattling around in my head, I think. I was thinking this very thing the other day with my own profession, working journalist.

Linda Jacobs said...

I love my job teaching high school English but even after 30 years, I'm still always broke before every pay day!

gautami tripathy said...

I like that!

airing that fire

Anonymous said...

Right there with ya, honey. Cleverly put!

Julie Jordan Scott said...

LOL. Oh, the luxuriance of your words is such a paradox against the petty pay of it all.

Timothy P. Remp said...

Is it sad that this resonates with so many of us.

Nicely done.


Andy Sewina said...

Phew, yeah me too, what was that hotline number again?

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

The echos are really loud in here...me too!!!



Daily Panic said...

very well done. So true! Me too!

Anya Padyam said...

So true...

I'd like to say the same thing, only I am unable to put into such lovely words as you do:)

I am sure there are many who agree to these words

Stan Ski said...

And our bosses tell us we do it for job satisfaction - not for the money.

Thomma Lyn said...

Excellent take on the prompt, and you have a fresh and fascinating way with words.

Dee Martin said...

always always broke :) Loved your take on this.

Larry said...

I honestly think everybody is broke before payday that has been the delimma of my life for more than fifty years.I'm up just follow the link below.

Science Project

Thanks Larry

Angel said...

Yep, I'm sure many feel your pain!

Americanising Desi said...

i m totally shocked with the response on this one :)
i guess i m never alone!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Your complaint is a common one. It's rare to find a job that will pay or appreciate well, let alone do both. More common is as you describe.

Anonymous said...

lol :-P. Thats exactly the story of every other employed person...very nicely put into words I must say (Y)

Unknown said...

that's ok.. since you are not your job..
dont define yourself and dont let other define you by your job..

Anonymous said...

...is this my life??!!! ..well spoken...

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